

元記事:http://neo4j.com/product/(An Intuitive Approach to Data Problems)2015/08/22頃版


モデルは、あなたの経験をそのままに開発、視覚化します。論理モデルから物理モデルへとスライスさせ、現実の事象を事前に定義されたテーブル設計へ合わせる必要性をなくします。単純なノードと関係性で、世界は柔軟になります。  開発が速くなり、アジャイルが進化します。

Neo4jのスケールアップとスケールアウト で、数百億ものノードと関係性、秒間何百ものACIDトランザクションを確保できます。私たちは、あなたのデータはあなたの最も貴重な資産の一つであると信じており、あなたはデータベースを信頼できるように構築する必要があります。詳細は「http://neo4j.com/neo4j-scales-web-enterprise/」を参照してください。









Neo4jは、最も人気のある開発言語のすべてと、多種多様なフレームワーク上で動作します。サイファークエリを実行するために、Neo4jのREST APIを使ったり、様々な言語固有のコミュニティドライバから選択することができます。
グラフETLは、たとえ行が数百万、数十億あろうとも、リレーショナルデータベースやほかのデータベースからシームレスにデータをインポートすることができます。最初は、インポート用に最適化された超高速のCSVインポートユーティリティを選び、少しずつの増分のロードはサイファークエリに組み込まれているLOD CSVが使えます。




An Intuitive Approach to Data Problems

Graphs are the most efficient and natural way of working with data.
They are deeply intuitive, and mimic the interconnectedness of concepts and ideas in the human mind.


  • Flexibility

    Model, develop, and visualize the world as you experience it: slice away logical-to-physical friction and the need to wrestle reality into predefined tables. It’s simply nodes and relationships, and the world becomes flexible: fast development and agile evolution.
  • Performance

    Neo4j’s native graph engine is engineered to let you navigate hyper-connectivity at speed. Built from the bottom up to support property graphs, Neo4j lets you connect the “dots” easily, and with unparalleled performance and reliability.
  • Scalability

    Neo4j scales up and out, supporting tens of billions of nodes and relationships, and hundreds of thousands of ACID transactions per second. We believe your data is one of your most valuable assets, and you need be able to trust your database with it. Learn more →
We considered a number of NoSQL options, including Mongo, DynamoDB and other graph solutions. Neo4j provided the required balance of features and support we needed to unlock the power of data captured on our residential properties. Neo4j gives us peace of mind—it’s a solid tool with wide-ranging application, offers a stable partner to grow with, and allows us to be a part of a great user community.
— Jackson Hull, CTO, onefinestay

What’s Inside the Box?

feature-fastBreakneck Speed

Neo4j is wicked fast. The more connected your query and dataset, the more you will notice the difference. You’ll be able to search through millions of connections per second (/per core), with real-time queries that stay fast even as your database grows.

feature-flexibleFlexible Schema

Neo4j captures your data as it naturally occurs, allowing the database to easily adapt to changes, new data sources, and exceptions to rules. This makes for extremely agile development, and quick responsiveness to new requirements.

feature-nativeNative Graph Storage

Each piece of data in the graph has an explicit connection to everything it’s related to. This means the database can ignore anything that’s not connected, rather than having to trawl through all of the data in order to determine what is connected. This results in unparalleled speed and scale.

feature-nativeNative Graph Processing

Not only are the connections between data explicit: nodes are only a pointer away from related nodes. This means that Neo4j can evaluate results at a rate of millions of hops per second.


Unlike some NoSQL databases that require you to trade off your data’s trustworthiness, Neo4j is fully ACID, opening up new possibilities for single source of truth.

feature-scaleGo Big or Go Home

Neo4j’s state of the art graph technology lets you scale across key dimensions of scale: volume, reads, and writes – all while providing blazing-fast queries, consistent query response times, and rock-solid data integrity.

feature-cypherPowerful Query Language

Cypher was crafted to let you you express graph patterns in incredibly simple terms. The result is queries that require 10-100x less code than SQL, or imperative approaches to querying the graph.

feature-friendlyNeo4J Browser

You’ve never seen a database with such a great looking front end! Neo4j’s developer interface, accessible through a web browser, lets you master your graphs in no time.

feature-ecosystemLanguages and Frameworks

Neo4j works with all of the most popular development languages and a wide variety of frameworks. You can use Neo4j’s REST API to execute Cypher, or choose from a variety of language-specific community drivers.

feature-backupData Import

Graph ETL makes importing data from relational and other databases seamless: whether it’s millions of rows, or billions. Choose from a superfast CSV import utility optimized for initial import, or a built-in Cypher LOAD CSV for smaller incremental loads.

feature-backupIn-Memory Page Cache

Included in Neo4j Enterprise is an in-memory page cache, that when enabled, can provide up to 10x the performance under concurrent load.

feature-clusterClustering/Cache Sharding

Neo4j clustering provides scale-out capability for reads: letting you spread out your graph in memory, while ensuring each instance is able to get to any node or relationship at any time using its own local copy. Neo4j’s architecture allows you to maintain blazing speed as your graph grows, while providing high availability via a master-slave HA protocol.

feature-backupHot Backups

Hot backups, available in Neo4j Enterprise, let you take point-in-time backups while the database is running, allowing 24×7 operation, without compromising your availability, or the quality of your backups.

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